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Summary of Weekend Activities at the Family Reunion

JULY 26-28 2002
By Rose Baker-Moulton

FRIDAY EVENING It was on July 26, 2002, a beautiful Friday evening in Gaithersburg, Maryland, when the Watkins family first reunion began. The Comfort Inn-Shady Grove was the contact point for registration and all other information. There were folks coming from different areas, states and the neighborhood. There were hugging and kissing, making noise in our overjoy to see and meet some members for the first time, some we had not seen for a long time, some, we did not know we were family; and some, have not too long communicated with each other.
We gathered for the Welcome and Getting To Know You Reception. We began by thanking the Almighty for bringing us safely together for such a time like this. We had in our midst our elders: Roland and Elfreda Barnes, Nettie Davies, and the matriarch of the family, Mother Catherine Watkins, who still remembers faces and has not forgotten her family history, even at the ripe age of 99 years.
Mr. Samuel R. Watkins, the General Chairman, welcomed the family and gave thanks and appreciations to each one for being at the very first reunion. Audrey Solomon, the Coordinator/Chairperson of this first reunion, gave instructions on the Saturday itinerary starting with a 10 am family business meeting.

On a cool wet Saturday morning of July 27th, the family gathered to discuss business and issues of concern. Richelieu Campbell, one of the Organizers and coordinators of this first family reunion, presided at this business meeting. We had devotion and S. Richelieu Watkins, gave us a brief history of the Watkins family. A special report was presented by Rita Davis-Dunbar, member of the Davis family, recently discussed at their reunion, as a proposed Resolution, that the Watkins and Davis families come together as one union. It was discussed, voted and agreed upon by majority rule that this proposal stands. It was stated further, that a working committee was appointed at the Davis reunion to work on modalities in the proposal. With that understanding, the Watkins family appointed a committee for that purpose also. The Committee: (DAVIS FAMILY) Daniel Mensah, Rita Davies-Dunbar, and Thomas Russell; (WATKINS FAMILY) McRinna Deshield, Richelieu Campbell, and Samuel R Watkins.
Other items of concern: the Constitution & Bylaws, Budget, Financial Security & Special Funds, was presented for discussion. It was agreed by majority rule that the working committee is given the full authority to review, discuss all issues of concern that came before this union.
We continued in the spirit of togetherness. Emmett Dennis, our web page, Internet and e-mail manager, commended those members who are part of the MAMAFLATON WEB PAGE to continue the good work of communication. He encouraged the new members to get involved. There are a whole lot of information that he has placed on the web, e-mail addresses, birthdays, anniversaries, pictures, and a whole lot of' other goodies. He listed the different web sites that were available to family members as:
1) groups.yahoo.com; 2) briefcase.yahoo.com; 3) photos.yahoo.com and 4) http://www.watkinsfamily.itgo.com/. He informed members that access to the first three websites was restricted to family members who must use the following ID and Password to get to the sites. Yahoo ID: jamaecd and Yahoo Password: kakata49. The last website had general information and was open to anyone who wanted to know about the Watkins Family.
He mentioned that he would be delighted to receive e-mail addresses, family matters and names of other members that were not part of the union. Mr. Dennis, Mr. Campbell, and Mr. Watkins have also developed a Family Newsletter. Those members that are not connected to the family activities by the Web page are informed about family matters via the Newsletter.
Mr. Dennis discussed the Family Tree, being the root of the family connection, with diagrams of different families connection passed out. He mentioned that any addition or deletion, to the family tree would be appreciated.
We were informed that an account was opened for the organization, with Audrey Solomon as the financial custodian. She was not ready to give a financial report at the time, but will submit soon.

These officers were elected, they are:
PRESIDENT -Mr. Samuel R. Watkins
SECRETARY -Rita Davis-Dunbar
TREASURER -Audrey Solomon
It was voted and agreed upon by majority rule that NEW JERSEY be the venue for the Second Watkins Family Reunion in July of 2003. A committee was appointed of family members residing in New Jersey to serve as coordinators, they are: Dolly Watkins-Ketter, Eddie-Mae Smail, Sarah Watkins-Cisco, and Rita Davis- Dunbar.

Audrey Solomon and other members of the organizing committee, S. Richelieu Watkins, Richelieu Campbell and Emmett Dennis, were commended for a job well done in putting this first family reunion together
We headed for the picnic at the Lake Needwood Park. The children were so excited to see
a spacious area to play. We started the picnic in singing some of the favorite hymns, gospel and praise songs that Mother Watkins loves to sing, because that was her request, celebrating with her unto the Lord for
the many years that he has kept her (99yrs). The children joined in with the adults in blowing party favors and having a good time eating hot dogs, hamburgers and other picnic goodies.
As the day went by, the barbecue Grill was held hostage by family members waiting for the delicious roasting of the meat on sticks. The fellowship was wonderful, and we gathered around Mamaflaton and took our very first family group pictures to end the day.

The evening came, and we had to get ready for our DINNER AND DANCE at the Plum Gar Community Center. Mr. Vahplahn Holman was the Master of Ceremonies. The first part of the program was to thank God again for His blessings. The program began with the reading of the historical background of the Watkins Family by Samuel R. Watkins.
We remembered those that predeceased us. A special recognition was given to our elders, without them; there would be no history. Awards of achievements, accomplishments, graduations, promotions were presented to several family members. We congratulated those who are first time homeowners. Dinner was served afterwards with the meal consisting of many traditional Liberian dishes as well as other delicious food.
We danced the rest of the evening away, with everyone participating in our traditional dance, the quadrille lead by Richelieu Campbell, Vahplahn Holman and Hilary Gibson.
On the Sunday morning of July 28th, we gathered at the First African Methodist Episcopal Church, Gaithersburg, Maryland, for a worship service, joining with them in their Church's anniversary celebration. The service was very high-spirited, allowing the people of God to dwell in His presence. We were blessed when our own family led the choir in a beautiful selection (That's Why I Praise You), because, for every mountain, valley, and blessing, God brought us through.
Following the service, the family joined with the First AME members in a celebration feast on the grounds of the Church. Much food was consumed by all present during this time. Thereafter, it was good-bye time to families, and we pray that God will keep us together in thought, prayer, etc, until our next get -together in New Jersey, July 2003.

We must always remember that NONE OF US IS AS STRONG AS ALL OF US.

Financial Report of the Reunion Activities

July 26 to 28 2002

Registration before July 26, 2002, collected from Family members---------------------------------- $ 2,360.00
Registration from July 26-27, 2002, collected from Family----------------------------------------------------705.00
Total Collected------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 3,065.00


Tee shirts, Cups & Pens----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------758.36
Check Book Set----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 71.83
Hall Deposit--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200.00
(Deposit was giving by Emmett in the amount of 250.00 before dues were collected; need to reimburse)
Hall Payment (90.00/hr for 4 hours)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 360.00
Caterer (cash)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 700.00
Gifs and other misc. (see receipts)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 624.48
Cakes, Punch & Other desserts---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 150.00
Making and Printing of Certificates and thank you notes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 35.00
Video---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 60.00
Music D. J. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 200.00
Total Expenses--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3,159.67

Total Income------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ 3,065.00
Total Expenses------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - 3,159.67

Total Deficit--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------$ -94.67
Emmett has agreed to re-deposit his personal contribution for the hall deposit into the family Account until we come out of the deficit column.

Signed: Audrey-Watkins Solomon
First Watkins Family Reunion Organizing Committee Chairperson